Can I sign a short-term rental agreement through Rendin?

  • Updated

No, short-term renting isn't allowed on the Rendin platform. This is for two reasons:

1. Our solution is designed specifically for long-term tenancy and dealing with particular risks. Short-term renting out, including constant tenant change, involves different risks, which we don't (today) focus on in our value proposition.

2. Rendin offers only termless agreements, which, in the opinion of our lawyers, is the best type of agreement for both landlord and tenant. This way, we can protect our clients' rights and provide the protection they need.

  • The termless agreement is a more flexible option than the fixed-term one, as it can be terminated by both parties' consent or unilaterally at three months' notice. Also, this is the only type of agreement that gives the landlord the quickest way to terminate the agreement one-sidedly if the tenant proves to be a nuisance (persistent late payments, bad behaviour, etc.).
  • A fixed-term agreement expires on the date marked in the contract. Therefore, it cannot be terminated unilaterally in an ordinary way, which can be a real headache in certain situations. Here are a few explanations of why:
    • There is a widespread perception in the Estonian rental market that a fixed-term contract has a disciplining effect on the tenant and that the landlord can expect a smooth cash flow throughout the tenancy period. In reality, this is not the case, as life inevitably changes, and no landlord is immune to a tenant leaving one day without any notice (and no agreement will stop them).
    • A landlord may have to terminate the contract earlier than expected. For example, they may need the rental property for personal use or a close family member. Or, at some point, it turns out that cooperation with the tenant has proved impossible. In both situations, there is no possibility under the law to terminate the agreement in an orderly and suitable manner.

PS! We want to emphasise to all landlords using Rendin: special agreements that conflict with the terms of the termless agreement and/or our service principles are not permitted between the landlord and the tenant. If we notice such activity on our system, we have the right to block these users for breaking the rules, which means that they will no longer be able to use the Rendin platform. For example:

  • The rental agreement is marked valid for a specific period.
  • The rental agreement can be terminated with one month's notice.
  • Immediately after the conclusion of the agreement, the landlord initiates the termination, which complies with the notice rule in terms of time but indicates that one's intention was to rent out for a short period.